The Blue Dragonfly

…writings from the Book to be: “Gifts of Change – A Gratitude Journal for a Natural Disaster

The happy chirping of the birds outside wakes me up. A beautiful sun-filled morning knocks on my door. I get up early to spend meditation time outside in my beloved Papasan Chair in the Forest. My cat Tigerlily follows me around wherever I go and decides to sit in my lap so close to me.  Continue reading The Blue Dragonfly

The Universe Has A Sense Of Humor!

Dear One,

No de-clutter needed! The universe has a sense of humor!

“Can I sit down next to you in the sun?” a gentleman with salt-pepper colored hair and beard asked this Saturday. I sat outside Mugshots, a cute little coffeehouse in Middletown, sipping an extra hot Matcha Latte.

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This is happening FOR me

Dear One,

It is so easy to get stuck in difficult situations, especially if they involve loss and letting go. When we are overwhelmed, we often become unaware. We say things from a place of being unconscious.

How often have you heard somebody say: “This happened to me…”

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Why Did This Happen?

Dear One,

We can’t help it. We love asking the WHY questions. It happens almost by itself. As if all of us were programmed to think and live this way.

Asking the WHY questions, the mind and ego will continue to run the show, our life and create havoc inside of us. ‘Why’ can also easily keep us stuck in victim energy and put us even more down in precarious times when we really need to stay focused and clear.

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Everything Is Falling Into Place VERSUS Falling Apart

Dear One,

When we experience a situation that takes us to the edge because it is so new, so tragic, so traumatic, so big – it is easy to loose yourself in depression.

When you loose your home, everything you knew is gone.

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I Will Never Experience Something Like That

Dear One,

I always thought “I will never experience something like that.”I had done so much healing work with the land around Cobb Mountain and my home. Losing my home to a wildfire would never happen to me.

It did.

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